Thursday 15 December 2011

Justifications of newspaper billboard

In the production of my billboard, I have taken into account the details that people wanted or liked judging from the responses on my questionnaire.
One of the most popular responses was that people wanted to read about medical matters, such as new drugs, discoveries and cures. They also seemed to like reading about crime and serious accidents therefore I will try and write about how his coma was induced possibly at the workplace or on the road. This story and receiving a new drug are both things that questionnaire results showed as popular, and should be something that should theoretically catch people’s eye.
The font used in the headline is similar to the font used on the MEN’s billboards. It is bold, striking and powerful which will help to attract attention to the story and also makes it look quite formal and more of a serious newspaper.
The title of the newspaper (Daily Standard) is exactly the same as how it appears on the newspaper itself. This is to make sure that the billboard is clearly the same billboard and story as the newspaper it is trying to sell. It also has the newspaper logo which is the Manchester coat of arms. There is also the website address and the day. The website allows buyers of the newspaper to go online and read more articles and find out about more to do with the newspaper itself.  

This was my origional intention

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